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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Pick Your Winner"

The process of getting fit is enjoyable... I love training.  I even love eating "clean."  But, I have to say "It is all About the Result."  It is the Result that truly gets me excited about the process.

Because- I love training. But, I love watching a good movie too.  You don't get off the coach on a Saturday for the workout...  You do it for the Result.

You expect the Result.  It is the "weight" of your efforts.  You see... you won't remember each session or meal, for that matter.  What you will remember is the accumulation of your efforts.  What Result did you get from your Training and Nutrition Program

I challenged you recently to put together a Vision Board.  Without direction, we have no aim to "zero-in."

No reason to get up at 5:30am for your cardiovascular program.  

No reason to choose broccoli over the mac'n'cheese.  

Without a Vision for a specific Result, how can you expect to make the right choices.

2010 was an Amazing Year for many of our Philadelphia personal training and Sicklerville personal training clients.  We had some AWESOME entries for our 2010 Client of the Year Contest.  But, we could only take our top 4 nominees.

I want to Congratulate all of our Personal Training clients for an incredible year.  You set out a Vision... Took Aim, and Got Results!  Serious Results!

I also want to congratulate each BodyBlast Personal Trainer who helped "zero-in" the results of our clients.

Let's just say the ladies really cleaned up this year!  The guys are going to have some catching up to do.

With no further ado... here are your top 4 BodyBlast Client of the Year Nominees!

Asha Joshi: Working with our Philadelphia Personal Trainer Department

Deniesha Williams: Working with our Sicklerville Personal Trainer Department

Maureen Zisa: Working with our Sicklerville Personal Trainer Department

Jaime Taylor: Working with our Philadelphia Personal Trainer Department

Vote for your favorite 2010 BodyBlast Client of the Year and get a Special Gift $180 Value!